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  • 5% off Entire Purchase Promo code: May-June
  • 5% - 10% off on Vegetables
  • Off 5%! off on cereals

Products Details

Some of our products and their benefits.


Rio Verde F1,Green Challenger F1, Pruktor F1, Gloria F1, Kingston F1 are variety of cabbage grown in Kenya. Cabbage, like other cruciferous vegetables, is packed with vitamins and minerals that your body craves, while remaining low in calories.


Touchon and Nebula F1 are few of the varietys grown in Kenya. Carrots contain many nutrients, including beta carotene and antioxidants, that may support your overall health as part of a nutrient-rich diet.


We have more than 15 best watermelon seeds in Kenya. They include; Pata negra F1, Augusts F1, Sentinel F1, Fahari F1 and Sugar Baby. Watermelon is a good source of antioxidants and nutrients. In addition to supporting hydration.